Wednesday, June 13, 2012

NY State Meet

Lawrence Williams (Jr)
Dominik Kosar (Jr)

At the New York State Meet in Syracuse, NY, a few Monsignor Martin athletes competed against the best high school athletes in the state. St. Joe’s Junior Lawrence Williams ran a 51.56 in the 400m, ranking him 15th in the state for the 400m run. As well, Lawrence was the only runner from the Monsignor Martin League to compete at the state meet.
Another St. Joe’s athlete made the trip to Syracuse to compete as well. Dominik Kosar (fresh off winning both the shotput and discus at the CHSAA meet in NYC) competed at the state meet. Dominik threw alright in the shotput, earning him 4th place in the state for the shotput. But Kosar’s true passion is the discus, and that is where he is destined to excel. Dominik won the discus at the state meet throwing an astounding 177 feet to earn him 1st place in the state as well as a new school record for St. Joe’s.

Kosar had the opportunity to go to Nationals to compete in the discus, but he decided to call it for the season’s end and take a couple weeks of relaxation and heading back home to the Czech Republic to see both his family and his girlfriend. At least his ego will be intact when he is flashing all of the medals that he has earned from his first full year in the states. 

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