Friday, December 7, 2012

2012: A Year in Review

President Obama's Re-Election
           As we are finishing up the month of December, it also means that if you are reading this, you have survived yet another event-filled year here on planet Earth. And what a year it has been. If you choose to continue reading, we will take a look back at the last 365 days in this Year in Review: 2012.
            Way back in January, a cruise ship known as The Costa Concordia hit some rocks along the coast of Italy, causing the ship to nearly capsize, causing people to abandon ship into the cold waters in the darkness of the night.
President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama
            In February, Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman for “appearing” as a threat in Florida. James Holmes killed at a movie theater in Colorado during the midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises.   
            Marvel’s The Avengers premiered in April- bringing all the superheroes from the Marvel Universe together to protect the planet. The film had the biggest opening weekend ever, becoming the fastest film to gross $1 billion dollars. Twilight and Batman both finished their sagas.  Les Misérables premiered on Christmas Day.
Jerry Sandusky
In the NFL, the NY Giants defeated the New England Patriots to win Super Bowl XLVI and defeat the Pats for the second time in five years to capture the crown. NBA: the Miami Heat defeat Oklahoma City and LeBron James earns his first NBA title and is later awarded Sportsman of the Year. The San Francisco Giants won their second World Series in 3 years defeating the Detroit Tigers in 4 games.
In August, the Mars Rover Curiosity lands on the planet Mars and begin its 2-year stay exploring the Red Planet.
September, the US embassy was attacked in Libya, killing 4 Americans.
Jerry Sandusky (Penn St.) receives 30-60 years in prison for molesting young boys, ensuring that he will die in prison. 
Space Shuttle Endeavor 
            This year, President Barack Obama openly supported gay marriage. He also won reelection after challenger Mitt Romney ran a hard fought campaign.
Hurricane Sandy hits Jersey Shore, NY and New York City. Causing mass chaos and destruction- 2nd most expensive natural disaster in history ($70 Billion) behind only Hurricane Katrina 2005 ($400 billion).
            George Lucas sold the entire Star Wars franchise to Disney for a sum of $4 billion dollars, to which George Lucas donated it all to charity.
            The people whom we lost this year and to be missed and remembered are the following:
- Neil Armstrong, astronaut
- Andy Griffith, actor
James Holmes
- Rodney King
- Joe Paterno 
- Whitney Houston
- many many more
            The Summer Olympics in London. From the opening ceremony with the industrial revolution and the queen skydiving with James Bond to Mo Farah and Galen Rupp upsetting with their success on the track to Michael Phelps becoming the most winningest Olympic athlete in history.
            This year marked the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic during its maiden voyage.
Hurricane Sandy 
            Apple unveiled the iPhone 5, as well as the iPad mini.
            Fifty Shades of Grey, The Hunger Games, and One Direction all made their public debuts within the last 12 months. As well, popular hits such as Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe” and Korean pop sensation Psy’s “Gangnam Style”. “Gangnam Style” became the most viewed YouTube video in history with nearly 900 million views in just 4 months. (That equates to more than 1 view every second for the last 16 weeks.)
Summer Olympics 2012: London
            Felix Baumgartner made history freefalling from nearly 24 miles high- hitting a max speed of over 830 mph. As well, NASA retired the space shuttles from returning to space. After 30+ years of take offs, disasters, historic feats, it is the end of an era. The year 2012 became the warmest in recorded history causing droughts, consistent triple-digit temperatures, and record heat waves.
            Kony 2012- bringing light to the issue of child soldiers in Uganda.
            Lance Armstrong was stripped of his 7 Tour de France titles and banned from ever competing again in the alleged blood doping scandal. 
           The Mayans predicted that the world would end of December 21st, 2012. Well, I am posting this early so in the off chance that they were right, I will not have written this for nothing. 

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