Saturday, April 28, 2012

St. Francis Dual Meet 4-26-12

          Unfortunately the results were not what St. Joe's wanted, but the day wasn't a total lost; there were great performances and several pr's. The weather was exactly what it normally is when St. Joe's track treks out to Athol Springs. The rain was coming down, the wind was blowing, and even the winter jackets had to be brought back out yet again.
          The 3200m run was swept by St. Joe's for the second year in a row. This year, the victory went to Connor Tumiel in 10:36, followed closely by Cornell Overfield in 10:44, and finally Joe Suhay in 11:11. 
          St. Joe's had a double winner in the throwing events. Dominik Kosar won the shot-put in 51'8. As well, Dominik also won the discus in 161'3. 
         The biggest story of the day though was young Lawrence Williams clocking in an astounding 50.8 seconds in the 400m. This time puts Lawrence amongst the top five fastest 400m ever to have run for St. Joe's.  

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