Sean Majer:

To the
surprise of many, Sean had almost immediate success as a member of the Vassar
Brewers. His times dropped significantly. During his senior year, Majer clocked
in a 12:17 in the 3200m, only to drop over 2 minutes to under 10 minutes. As
well, Majer was denied the chance to run the steeplechase his senior year, for
his own good. But with months of training under his belt, in the spring of
2012, Majer got that chance to run the race that he loves for reasons that no
one quite understands.
Along with
the success in running, Majer has become popular amongst his teammates. This
can be traced back to the inability to say no to a challenge or haircut that
only a college student would agree to do. Sean’s vocabulary also has an
interesting twist that few and far in-between understand. These terms include “Jive”,
“young”, “fresh”, “doiyoiyoiyoiyoi”, and even “gern”.
“Maj” as many of his piers and many followers
call him, can also grow a scraggly beard like no other. He has the ability to look
like a homeless man, then transform himself into a preppy individual, then
finally a hipster in one day. Majer has also never passed up the opportunity to
have a grand-ol’-time with his fellow buddies, especially “Mc”. Majer, a unique
man who will do the random for no reason, is having the time of his life at
Vassar College and is embracing whatever his life is throwing at him.
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