Joe Schnitter-

In the
early years, the young and fresh Joe Schnitter was thought to be Matt Hellerer’s
prodigy despite the German background and lack of Irish blood. Also, besides
being recognized as John Schnitter’s little bro, Joe often gets noticed for his
role in the series “Joe Schnitter: Rebel Without a Cause” as well as the author
of the book “The Man, the Myth, the Legend. The Joe Schnitter Story”.
As Joe
started his running career in the 8th grade, under head coach only
known as “Big Joe”, instantly the young Schnitter was destined to run vast
distances never to look back. In high school, the 3200m was his main event.
Schnitter was feared by all of his competitors.
Once his
stay at St. Joe’s had come to an end, he packed his bags and shipped off to the
University of Pittsburgh, only to return to his natural setting several months
later. With Schnitter’s departure came utter chaos, naturally. Without Joe in
their presence, bombs threats started to come in by the dozen demanding that
Joe come back. Even the Pitt basketball team, who was so highly ranked in
preseason, lost their will to compete without Joe. A tragic story for the
University of Pittsburgh. Joseph M. Schnitter was the best thing to happen to
Pittsburgh since sliced bread.
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